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Dirty Secrets

Dirty Secrets


The yachting industry often promotes their boats as fulfilling your every desire. Luxury,
passion, inspiration, and essentially being a floating dream. They have a sort of ‘Disney-esq’ fantasy about them, but like Disney, when one peers behind the curtain, we find that the magic is lost. Clattering diesel engines, spilling oil into bilges that is often inadvertently pumped overboard. On older vessels, we see smoky exhausts pouring fumes into the air, and even worse on modern vessels porting it straight into the water. Cruising advertisements shows silence and sparkling oceans, but the reality is much different. The drum of engines is constantly there, as is the vibration. The purpose of Aqua-Lectric isn’t to shame the industry. We have all benefited from diesel combustion, but the technology exists now to improve the industry.

Electric motors are powerful enough to provide the propulsion we need, and battery technology is advancing well enough to give us the range required. It is not quite there yet, but soon enough it will be.

Follow along with aqua-lectric as we document this transition. Ride along with us on boat reviews, and learn with us as we figure out what metrics are important to track. It is an exciting time to be in the boating industry, and we hope to bring you along for the ride.. 

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